Company of heroes skin forum
Company of heroes skin forum

Now this isn’t uncommon for most games though CoH does seem to take it to new extremes, but what really does your head in is the how the stats system will seemingly reward this type of lame gameplay which encourages more players to do it! For example you can be playing 1 vs 1, get kicked by your opponent and they gain a win whilst you register a loss. This accounts for about 25% of games if you are lucky, the other 75% of games players quit, drop, kick, go afk, play like an ass deliberately, turn on their teamates etc etc. The actual game itself can be very enjoyable online, it’s well balanced the graphics and gameplay are all really good. This has resulted in the multiplayer game being plagued with lame players who take more pleasure from disrupting games than playing them properly or with any intention to win. I’ll go into the specifics in a bit but to broadly summarise their mistakes CoH essentially has a stats system and game mechanics which allows players to completely take the piss if they choose.

company of heroes skin forum company of heroes skin forum

Whilst Relic have produced a great title they have yet again balls up the multiplayer experience leaving some lessons to be learned by other developers.

company of heroes skin forum

I am sure quite a few of you have been playing the WW2 Relic RTS game ‘Company of Heroes’ stated t by many to be the best RTS game to date (though probably Supreme Commander will replace CoH in this respect).

Company of heroes skin forum